Westfield Junior School

Upper Meadow Curriculum

Years 5 & 6


Pupils who are taught in our DSP receive the same curriculum over a two-year rolling programme as pupils who are taught in mainstream classes, although curriculum content is carefully adapted according to ability.  Wherever possible, we also ensure that DSP pupils benefit from a wide range of curriculum enrichment activities, such as trips and visitors.

Summer Term B


The History of Human Rights

This unit begins by looking at what human rights are.  Building on their knowledge of World War II, they learn that the United Nations established the Universal Declaration of Human Rights following the atrocities of the war.  They have previously learned about Winston Churchill, and they will learn that he helped to establish the Council of Europe, which introduced the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms’

Children will begin to look at women’s rights.  The children will learn about women’s rights in Britain over time until the present day.  Children will use their knowledge to evaluate similarities and differences between lives of women in 1918 and today. They will discuss significant women they have learned about in the past such as Boudicca, Elizabeth I, Emmeline Pankhurst, Malala Yousafzai, and Queen Victoria.

The children will move on to looking at the UN Convention on the Rights of the child.  They will analyse how perspectives of children and childhood have changed over time. They will analyse changes and look at similarities and differences in Britain over time.

They will then learn about race and ethnicity, and will explore in depth the concept of immigration.  They will discuss perspectives from the past and look at racial inequality - comparing the American Civil Rights movement to similar movements in the United Kingdom.

Following this, they will look at the human right to ‘freedom of thought, conscience, and belief’. They will retrieve previous learning on the history of religion in Britain, reflecting upon religious intolerance and persecution, and looking at laws in place today to protect citizens.

 Y6 - Human Rights & Equality in Britain.pdfDownload
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Art and Design

Art in the 20th Century - Modernism & Beyond

The children start by reviewing their understanding of modernism.  They then use three statues, including recent sculptures by Marc Quinn and Thomas J Price, to investigate the issue of public statuary and identity as a starting point for their own project.

The children go on to consider how Picasso developed cubism which led to abstraction and then explore work of significant British artists of the 20th century. They consider abstraction by looking at the work of sculptor Barbara Hepworth and painter Frank Bowling, the influence of world war two on the work of Frank Auerbach and the departure from abstraction and return to figuration in the work of Lucien Freud.

Finally, they explore how art can address the issue of identity, in the work of Lubaina Himid.  This tour of important work of British artists from the 20th and 21st century is designed to inspire the children independently to explore their own ideas and create a piece of work in materials of their choice about identity, as part of an extended project, to be a culmination of their year 6 work.

 Y6 - Modernism & Beyond.pdfDownload
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Design & Technology

Sew: Upcycling Fashion

Children will upcycling an old shirt/t-shirt for themselves/a friend to wear.



This unit explains that following the collapse of the Soviet Union, international trade became a focus for countries around the world. As technology and communications developed during this time, it allowed businesses to operate more easily in other countries.

Pupils will look at the leather industry in Northamptonshire and will learn how it declined due to other countries becoming able to offer the same products at more competitive prices. This example will help pupils to see the changes that occurred in some industries as international trade increased and how these changes were advantageous for some but disadvantageous for others. 

Pupils will study examples of economic, political and cultural globalisation. They will recognise the common thread running throughout the lessons that in many ways the world is becoming more connected and ‘smaller’. 

 Y6 - Globalisation.pdfDownload
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In this unit, children will be introduced to concept of evolution: the process by which living organisms (plants and mammals) develop and change, over time.

 Y6 - Evolution.pdfDownload
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Upper Meadow Information

 Social Communication Curriculum 2023-2025.pdfDownload
 Upper Meadow Curriculum Map - Cycle B.pdfDownload
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Westfield Road, Hinckley, Leicestershire LE10 0LT

01455 637437
